There are a number of reasons someone might want to sell an engagement ring. Sometimes the reasons involve the sad end to an engagement or a marriage. Sometimes financial trouble makes parting with something very important to you necessary. Sometimes, there are happy reasons, such as an upgraded ring replacing the first. Sometimes, of course, someone might be selling a ring with no emotional connection to it, like rings bought in estate sales or for other investment reasons.
There is one thing anyone selling an engagement ring wants regardless of the reason. If you want to sell your engagement ring, you want a fair deal with a person or business you can trust. So, the first thing you need to do is give yourself an idea of what makes for a fair deal. How much do you believe the ring is worth? How much are you willing to take to part with it. Those may be two very different numbers. You may need to speak with a jeweler to get an idea of value.
Once you have an idea of the value of the engagement ring you want to sell, you should take it to a jewelry buyer. In general, you’re more likely to get a fair deal from a jeweler than a pawn broker. This isn’t about morals or ethics. Pawn brokers make their money primarily through loans. Their core business isn’t buying and selling but loaning and selling. They have different overhead and a different understanding of how to sell jewelry. Take your ring to a jeweler who buys jewelry and get an offer for it. Then, go talk to other jewelers. Find out where that first offer fits with other jewelers’ offers.
If you need to sell an engagement ring, reach out to us and we’ll be glad to help. If you’re looking to sell jewelry in San Diego, drop by our showroom. You’ll be glad you did.
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