Engagement rings have a very long history that dates back thousands of years. Rings were given in ancient times as not only a token of commitment but also as a way to prove a potential match had the resources to take care of the bride. Over the centuries, many aspects of rings have gained symbolic importance. Although times have changed, the symbolism can still help you to decide on a ring’s designs and components.
I'm putting together a more detailed series of blog posts on engagement ring symbolism I think you might enjoy. For now, I hope this whets your appetite for symbolic meaning from gems and precious metals.
The really fantastic thing about an engagement ring, in my opinion, is how meaning can be displayed by the materials chosen. I’m a third-generation jeweler, and I understand how a couple might want their ring to mean a lot and how they might want it to be at least a little bit unique to them. So, let’s talk about how that can work. I’m using diamonds and opals for a simple reason. Diamonds are the most common gem while opals are very uncommon for engagement rings.
Opals are traditionally associated with love, hope, and emotional harmony. They can symbolize a couple's devotion to each other and also a commitment to enjoying the relationship. They not only love each other but they love themselves as couples. Opals are known for their colors. The way the colors play in the gem is called opalescence. The color play adds symbolism to the gems, suggesting a creative and artistic love. As you can see, there are a number of possibilities with Opals, and when you have one on your ring, you’ve got a lot to choose from when it comes to symbolism.

You know diamonds. They symbolize forever. In fact, what I love about diamonds is how the unbreakable commitment they symbolize adds to whatever other symbolism you choose. With an opal, it’s love forever. It’s hope forever. It’s a couple forever devoted to each other in emotional harmony. It’s forever creative and forever focused on the joy the relationship brings.
I love the symbolic possibilities! So, if you’re looking for an engagement ring in San Diego, let me help you with one that’s packed with meaning. Give me a call or drop by my La Jolla showroom. You’ll be happy that you did.
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